Ok. I was getting a lot of requests to write English posts from my colleagues. I have to state something here before I continue waffling. It has been a while that I have not issued any English post here in Duslerden Gercege (Dreams to Reality in Turkish). I might be rusty but I will get over this quickly. Bear with me, alright?
I have come to a very interesting video in Youtube while I was doing my daily junky information research. First of all, I want you to know that highly acclaimed director Alfonso Cuarón‘s Sci-fi drama Children of Men is one of my all time favorite dystopia movie. It has drama in its veins, exciting plot, crystal clear acting, perfect long take scenes and amazing directing. More than enough for me to love a movie.
The below video is an detailed analysis of Alfonso Cuarón’s unbelievable background flow in the film. When we see a movie, most of the time we are missing what’s happening in the background.
I learned the importance of the background while I was acting in the high school’s drama club. Long story short; I was playing Mr. Blore aka Davis from Agatha Christie’s classic And Then There Were None in our high school theater. These were the days…
Anyhow, what was I saying? Background, yes! Cuarón is a master of background. Do you want to know what kind of details you have missed during watching Children of Men? Watch the video below and see for your own eyes. Sometimes obvious things are more than meets the eye.
Did you have the same feeling with me of immediate demand to watch Children of Men once again? Welcome on board. We were just sailing…
[…] ve potansiyelini fark eden Children of Men (Alfonso Cuarón‘un başarılı filminin yönetmenliğinde kullanılan teknikleri anlatan bir videoyu ingilizce olarak sizlerle paylaşmışt…) ve Iron Man (Taa 2008 yılında yazmış olduğum eleştiri yazımda da belirttiğim […]